The president of the Union of Greek Shipowners’ post on social media
Ms. Melina Travlou, president of the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), received in London the prestigious “Global Personality Award” for 2022, of the Seatrade Maritime Awards, an award that particularly honors Greek shipping as a whole.
In her post on social media, Ms. Travlou noted:
It was a special honour to receive the “Global Personality Award” for 2022 at the Seatrade Maritime Awards.“My belief and vision, especially in this period of major geopolitical, economic, and technological challenges, are contained in one word: UNITY. By joining forces, expertise and faith, we can move forward. Our responsibility as leading members of our industry is to be united in order to lead shipping to a new era. And this should happen, without any compromise to safety. For our people, our vessels, and the environment. Together, we can overcome the challenges. United, we can lead this new game changer era.”