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Promotion of Mykonos and Santorini luxury tourism in Russia

Promotion of Mykonos and Santorini luxury tourism in Russia
Ο Ambassador του Ελληνο-Αμερικανικού Επιμελητηρίου Εμπορίου Ν. Υόρκης, κ. Κ. Σκαγιάς με τον προϊστάμενο του ΕΟΤ Ρωσίας, κ. Π. Ευσταθίου και τον αντιπρόσωπο του προγράμματος προώθησης της Μυκόνου και της Σαντορίνης στη Ρωσία , κ. K. Viacheslav

Ambassador of Hellenic – American Chamber of Commerce in New York and strategy manager of Mykonos – Santorini – Aegean Islands Promo, Mr. Kostas Skagias had the opportunity to meet with the Head Officer of Greek Tourism Organization (GNTO) in Russia, Mr. Polykarpos Eustathiou in Gala Dinner for the promotion of luxury tourism in Moscow.


The event was co-organised and supported by GNTO, Mouzenidis Group and Russian magazine OK.

Russian Politicians, Business Persons, Artists and Celebrities were present in this very impressive, well- organised and very succesful event in the Red Square of Moscow.

Mr.Skagias congratulated Mr. Eustathiou for his excellent work and discussed with him the possibility of promoting Mykonos and Santorini as luxury tourism destinations to high profile Russian tourists by organizing trips for Russian opinion leaders as travel bloggers, travel editors and celebrities.